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  • MED64平面微电极矩阵记录系统


    ●    诱发性活动(fEPSPs)
    ●    自发性活动(spiking)
    ●    生物节律研究
    ●    突触可塑性(LTP/LTD),学习,记忆
    ●    心脏研究(起搏特性和电兴奋传导特性)
    ●    干细胞研究
    ●    安全药理学(如CNS毒性和QT间期延长)
    ●    急性脑片进行药物测试(癫痫,阿尔茨海默氏症,疼痛,肥胖症,厌食症,心律失常等等)
    ●    培养细胞或者脑片进行慢性药物测试
    ●    iPS / ES细胞来源的心肌细胞QT延长筛查

    用户推荐书 (http://www.med64.com/testimonials.html)
    • Prof. Gary Lynch, University of California at Irvine The MED system makes it possible for you to do at last, stimulation from different places within the brain tissue, in a much more naturalistic pattern…, rather than a point source stimulation which is very un-physiological…We have been able to look at drug effects… over dozens, even hundreds of neurons simultaneously
    • Ole Paulsen, M.D., Ph.D., University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, U.K A major challenge of modern neuroscience is to understand how neurons operate together in a network. .. (MED) offers an exciting opportunity to study mechanisms underlying network activity


